This series is filled with specific examples of challenges that John has seen in working with communities that are grappling with the issues of implementing wind energy.

WIND: Episode 1
Introduction To the Davies Method
Opposition to the wind industry can be overcome. John Davies has proven this time and time again, and has built a method to replicate his success. Episode 1 is the introduction to the technique he uses to win and get wind projects approved.
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WIND: Episode 2
The key to successfully implementing the Davies Method is in how you start. This episode is about getting the hard work done first and immediately following it up with a clear vision and approach for a successful outcome ahead.
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WIND: Episode 3
In Episode 3, John Davies articulates the technique of contrasting the transparent truth from obvious falsities as they affect the wind industry. The Contrast Episode is a companion episode to the previous Acknowledge episode.
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WIND: Episode 4
The delicate work begins in Episode 4. John lays out techniques for embracing and activating those members of the community that will become the most important advocates for the wind project.
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WIND: Episode 5
There is no rushing the Method’s steps to project approval, and this episode emphasizes the importance of careful implementation of the first crucial steps. You must start at the beginning so that when you get to the Bridge stage, you will have brought the community with you.
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WIND: Episode 6
The Aristotle Episode
It’s no secret that John Davies strongly believes in teamwork to achieve wins. In this episode John introduces the influence Aristotle has had on The Method and describes how the teachings of the great thinker are very relevant today, especially when working to approve wind projects.
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WIND: Episode 7
Doing it Backwards
Welcome to a cautionary tale about those who tried to skip ahead and rush the process of transforming community sentiment. This is the episode which explains the dangers of fast-tracking the strategy without due diligence and proper development.
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WIND: Episode 8
The Five Steps: LISTEN FIRST
Not all listening is equal. What people tell you can change dramatically based on the questions you ask. In this episode John elaborates on how to build questions and how to really listen to responses coming from the community.
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WIND: Episode 9
The Five Steps: DREAMS and FEARS
In this episode the Davies Method begins to solidify into a distinct shape. John explains his steps to building the best message, constructed out of data and an interpretation of the in-depth community interviews that have been done up to this point.
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WIND: Episode 10
The greatest message ever crafted means nothing if it isn’t heard by those who need to hear it the most. This episode covers how the right message in the right hands makes all the difference.
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WIND: Episode 11
The Five Steps: CULTIVATE
Motivate others to share your story by transitioning supporters into advocates. Transforming a community member into an advocate for your side is the greatest gift to give them.
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WIND: Episode 12
The Five Steps: ASK FOR HELP
Once you have uncovered project advocates don’t waste them by keeping them sitting on the bench. Get ‘em in the game coach! This episode brings all steps together, with the final leap toward your inevitable win and project approval.
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