Overcome Opposition: Wind Ep 2 – Acknowledge

The strength in the Davies Method is in the beginning. This episode is about getting the hard work done first and immediately following it with a clear vision for the successful outcome ahead.

Overcome Opposition: Wind Ep 3 – Contrast

John Davies returns in this episode to articulate the technique of contrasting the obscure truth from obvious falsities of the wind industry. Contrast is a companion episode to the previous episode Acknowledge.

Overcome Opposition: Wind Ep 4 – Embrace

In this episode, the delicate work begins. John lays out his techniques for embracing the members of the community that will become the most important advocates of the project.

Overcome Opposition: Wind Ep 5 – Bridge

There is no rushing the steps of the Method, and this episode highlights that you cannot start in the middle, you must begin at the beginning so that when you get to the Bridge step, you will have brought the community with you.

Overcome Opposition: Wind Ep 6 – The Aristotle Episode

It’s no secret that John Davies always works with a team to achieve his wins. In this episode John reveals his teammate Aristotle and describes how the teachings of the great thinker are some of what the Davies Method is built upon.